stop the world ,

She's just a little too scared to get close because everyone who said they'd be there , left .

Salam Jumaat guys :) So today , kaum Adam semua pergi solat Jumaat kan waktu Zohor tadi ? Abang kandung Izzah pakai baju biasa jee cause family kitorang memang tak minat pakai baju Melayu , tapi Izzah ? Suka sangat tengok kaum Adam pakai baju Melayu . So , tadi 'S' sent me a picture of him wearing that baju Melayu and I was like , OH MY GOSH . Melting nyaa :* 


So , since petang tadi Izzah tengok cerita The Hunger Games : Catching Fire , dah start suka pulak dekat Jennifer Lawrence , Liam Hemsworth , Josh Hutcherson , Elizabeth Banks , Sam Clafoin , Jena Malone , Woody Harrelson , Alan Ritchson , Stanley Tucci . Tu je yang Izzah ingat . yang lain search sendiri kay ;) So , Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark . Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends , embarking on a "Victor's Tour" of the districts . Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering , but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever . So , just one sentence , REMEMBER WHO THE ENEMY IS .


Because of penat sangat tengok cerita tu , Izzah tertidur and ingat nak bangun 4.30 as usual sebab nak jumpa 'S' . Kali pertama terbangun , pukul 4 . So , rasa macam , relax laa . Jap lagi bangun punya . Then the second time , 4.15 , alaa 15 minutes lagi . Jap lagi bangun ahh . Then tidur punya tidur , bangun je tengok iPad dah pukul 5 . Pergh , berlari terus siap . Before that , hantar satu message kat 'S' . "I baru bangun tidur , jap lagi I sampai rumah you :( " So pakai kasut then keluar terus . Sampai je rumah 'S' , dah nampak dia dengan kawan kawan dia tengah gelak gelak kat dalam , he asked me either I'm gonna follow him to the field or wait here till he'll be back . So , Izzah cakap nak ikut . But muat ke kereta ? 'S' kata dia buat dua round , dia hantar 4 of his friends then dia datang balik , ambik Izzah , Haikal and Hanees . Okay then , sampai padang , 'S' bukan nak pergi main bola , dia duduk dengan Izzah . Hahha comel jee kan ? Kawan kawan dia ye ye panggil dia suruh main tapi dia taknak keluar kereta . He said dia rindu sangat kat Izzah . Awww , well tadi dia SERIOUS HANDSOME .

P/S : Dear 'S' , good luck for tomorrow . I'm not really sure if you really want to go there or just stay , just good luck . Remember this , 

"No matter how far we go , I want the whole world to know , I want you bad and I won't have it any other way ."

So , thats all for this moment . Kbye , Assalamualaikum .

Izzah .