world of chances ,

Stay strong :'(

Dear you ,
I'm sorry . I know I'm the one who started this stupid fight first . And I'm really sorry . You posted a status , you asked me , will I do everything you ask cause you will . Almost everything . Yes , I'm sorry . I tak boleh jadi macam you , you boleh buat tu , boleh buat ni . You lelaki . Tak macam I , banyak halangan untuk buat something for you . Selalu buat you dissapointed . I perempuan . A weak girl , very weak . I'm really sorry for that .


Dear you ,
Trust me please . You're not useless . You worth every single second that I spend with you . And believe me  , all those things we did , will not be wasted . One day , you'll see something life-changing will happen . Please . I'm the one who's useless . I never be there when you need me , when you need my help . But you always did . I never get a way to help you . But you always had . I never make you happy , never make you laugh . But you always did . See ? How useless am I ? What a bad girlfriend , what a bad future wife .


Dear you ,
All my tears that have been streaming down on my face , it's not your fault . I'm the one who can't control my own emotions . Always get mad even at little things that I shouldn't . I'm sorry for that . I know you've been hurt many times by me . Sorry :( Never meant to . Hope you'll understand how I live with this . Live with my bad habits , emos and such things . Oh God :(


Dear you , 
I will love you . No matter what , I'll love you . Even when one day , you're not mine . Remember this . There once we've been together for weeks , and then we acted like strangers . And I hope it'll not happen again . I love you .


Dear you ,
I trust you . I might be jealous sometimes . Knowing you were close with my bestfriend . have an adopted sister . Looking at you laughing with my senior . Reading your messages with your friends . I'm jealous sometimes but I know who you really are . A loyal boy . I trust you . And please , appreciate it . Once my trust is broken , it's hard to get back .


Dear you ,
Do you believe me ? Do you believe when I say , I love you ? Believe me , no matter how many guy friends do I have , how many boys did I text to , if you don't let me to do that , then I won't . Remember that . You always get jealous of me with someone you don't know , it hurts to feel that you don't believe me . Like I'm such a jerk . It hurts . please , trust my loyalty to you .


Dear you , 
I will never leave you . But if I have to , I think you should know that all the love I've given to you , can never be replaced with anyone else . Please , don't leave me . No matter how long we can't see each other at all , please don't get tired of waiting for me . Please don't get bored with me . Please :(


Dear you ,
You're my everything . Don't ever think you're nothing to me . You're important . If I have to fight for us , I tell you , I will . Just for you , for us , for our relationship . And I hope you'll do the same thing too . 


Dear you ,
please be patient with me . Your patience has its limit . I knew that . But please :( you know who I am . You said you know me very well right ? So please , be patient every time I get jealous , I get mad , I get dissapointed . Please , be patient .


Dear you , 
you're the best listener I've ever had . I'm glad I met you . I feel so comfortable everytime I share my problems with you . It's like you are my EVERYTHING . You think you're the last person that I'll be searching for , but you're wrong . If you really wanna know , you're the first one . The very first one . Trust me :(


Dear you ,
I'm sorry for this stupid fight . And I hope you'll forgive me . Thats all I wanna say , I don't care if you're gonna appreciate this or not , just understand what I mean . I love you . ALWAYS be .

Izzah .