got dynamite ,

He's adorable . Spiderman , I love the way you act .

Hey :) Mornight :) So today , me and my siblings gila gila penat and we did lots of works . A problem , that not yet settled , oh . Tak tahu macam mane nak settle kan , malas nak fikir :P Petang tadi , sebelum pergi Melaka , we went to Mc Donald's and parked in front of the Tesco . So , when I walked out from the fast food restaurant , I saw Iman's car nearby . Well , Izzah rabun . So macam ehh ye ke kereta dia ? Or kereta orang lain . Then balik tu cakap dengan Iman yang betul ke kereta dia yang dekat Tesco tu and dia cakap memang dia pergi Tesco pun tadi , and I was like , OH MY GOSH . Maybe I was not able to see him , but staring at his car , makes me feel , Okay , he's happy :) So , I'm happy too but that made me miss him moreeee . You make me crazier . haha .


But guess what ? I had a conversation with my second sister about 'S' . our conversation ;

Me : Kakmi , pernah tak rasa lengan salah urat ?
Sis : pernah . asal ?
Me : Ija rasa tangan ija ni salah urat la .
Sis : dah kenapa pulak ? kau buat apa ?
Me : Tak tahu laa . Lutut dah bengkak sebab jatuh .
Sis : mane ? nak tengok ?
Me : *tunjuk* ni haa , nampak jelas kan ?
Sis : kau jatuh depan pakwe kau ?
Me : Aah , malu jee .
Sis : Ami pun pernah jatuh depan Acap , masa tengah jalan dengan dia . Then tercakap bla bla bla ...... *tak ingat apa dia cakap*
Me : Oh okay , hahaha . malu gila kan ?
Sis : mesti laa . Kau pergi starbucks eh dengan dia ?
Me : Aah . Tu kan favourite Ija .
Sis : Oh dia belanja ke ? Or kau bayar sendiri ?
Me : dia ada starbucks card so free je . 
Sis : Ohh , okay . 
Me : Kakmi kenal dia ke ?
Sis : kenal .
Me : .......... 

Conversation tu panjang laa , penat pulak type panjang panjang . So thats all for this moment . Kbye , Assalamualaikum .

Izzah .