
Hye guys :) Tak tidur lagi ? 11.43 p.m laa . Gi tidoo . Eh jap , baca laa ni dulu . Hahaha :D So , today , I had a very bored day . :( Hahha , kalau macam dulu , guna phone at least ada laa orang nak text . Tapi sekarang ? ah lupa , btw guys , I will not be using the 017 number . New number coming soon . Nak nanti mintak kayy :) IM kat FB , Nurul Izzah Khalid .


Back to business . so , petang tadi ada jugak discuss dengan Iman about our date soon and I think the date is confirmed . 25.12.13 . So , sesape yang hangout nanti , kalau jumpa kami please jangan tegur XD hahaha , kacau line je nanti . eh takde laa . gurau je , tegur laa :) In Sha Allah , feedback baik especially yang tegur cara baik and dont ever call me by 'HOI' or a big fight will begin . Hahaha , yeah emotional girl ni susah XD lalala ~


Then , just now I found a girl's facebook account . Have you ever experienced having a date with someone who is younger than you ? well me ? secret . But this girl , showed her stupidity in public . Fought with her bestfriend for a short boy , younger than them and even ergh , cant say . I'm not judging but it's real . I mean , weh kau dah kenapa ? kejar budak tu macam nak gila . budak tu playboy , konon nya nak tolong perempuan sana sini , but kau boleh fikir sendiri kott . Bukan nak cakap apa ahh XD aku , kena game dengan dia , well it's not a secret anymore . yeah we've been together for 1 month and some days . malas nak ingat . then one day we fought badly , but in privacy then he posted a status on my wall and said bla bla bla and everyone saw it and backed up me . I think he wanna give up . So he made some sad sentences that wouldnt make me touched actually . Hahaha , and last comment from him was ' Aku tak pernah suka kau sebenarnya . Kau je yang lebih lebih fikir aku nak kat kau ! ' hahaha lawak kan ? What a poor boy . Not to mention his name here , I want him to realise that this part of entry is for him !


Okay , close chapter about that unappreciateable boy . So , if you ever read my previous posts , you'll get to know me closer . You'll know who am I . Yeah , I'm trying to be honest with my bads and goods . If you dont wanna know about me then I think you should create a blog of yours and tell everything about yourself . you would be satisfied but sorry , I'm not interested to read about people who doesnt even care bout me so let me give you a huge BYE-BYE . thats it . fair enough . Hahha .


So I think thats all for this moment .

p/s : I really wanna meet my friends :( i mean seriously , a month without them would be absolute-freaking-ly bored . 
p/s : Dear MRSM , please accept Nurul Izzah binti Khalid as your student . I really want to be called as MRSM's student . Please :(

kbye . Assalamualaikum :)

Izzah .