here we go again ,

Pick your favorite person and tell all.

What's this person's name? : Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah bin Azlan .
How old are they? : sixteen-to-be
Are they your best friend? : once , but now , haha boyfriend .
Are you JUST friends? : no
How do you know this person? : when i was about to skip school time , then i went to the park and saw him , meet his girlfriend who is my bestfriend . haha
Do you love them? : yes
If so, how much?: loads and loads only god knows .

Beyond Basics.

Do you remember the first time you talked to him/her? : yes. a lot
How did you become friends? : cause the first time i met him , his girlfriend was my bestfriend .
What's your favorite memory with this person? : 12.12.13 . we were hangout and he was so sweet and gentle .
How long have you known them? : 6 months .
How nice are they to you? : so nice that i couldnt tell .
How much do you see this person? : at least twice a month .

Random Questions.

Do you ever feel his/her hair? : not yet .
If so, is it soft? : i think so 
What do they call you? : hmm, 'U' i guess. and sometimes , something secret .
What color eyes does he/she have? : hazel or black , tak sure .
Do they have any medical problems? : oh i dont know bout that .
If so, what? : told you , I DONT KNOW .
Do/did they go to the same high school as you? : no
Is this person outgoing? : very much i think
Is he/she sometimes annoying? : with his friends , i guess so but with me , absolute-freaking-ly not .
What's their favorite article of clothing? : he loves simple cause he's awesome
What ethnicity are they? : malay 
Are they cute? : yes!
Would you mind marrying them? : would he mind marrying me?
Did you enjoy my survey? : yes