falling over me ,

She's beautiful , right ? Yes , she is .

Good afternoon guys . So , today my routine just like , normal . Woke up in the morning , and saw last message form 'S' , I love you . Hahaha , I was smiling alone . Hahhaha . But something bothered me this morning . I thought this morning , I could meet 'S' . Cause I wanna go , what we call that ? erm , AQUATIC . yeah , wondering if my spelling is right but still , you people pronounce is A-KU-WA-TIK . Thats it :) hahha , but 'S' fell asleep . cause dia tengok bola pukul 4 semalam . dah agak dah . confirm dia bangun lambat , dia on pagi pagi pun sebab solat . Aww , melting japp :* hahaha . out of topic :P


So sad tak dapat jumpa dia pagi ni , but tadi dah cakap dengan 'S' , jangan tidur petang ni ! hahaha :D so , my life routine started with my mom went to meet her friends . At 8.30 she asked me to open the gate for her to go out easily cause she was late actually preparing my breakfast . Sorry , mom , i know you love me :) so , at 9 , I sent a message to 'S' , Akuatik tak jadi eh ? but he didn't reply . sedih tu memang sedih , but i understand him XD a real football lover . 


But today kinda little bit bored cause takde orang kat rumah . Ayah outstation dah berapa hari dah tak balik :( Ayah , miss you :( Balik cepat please . My siblings went to KL and left me to accompany my mother cause diorang tak nak mama duduk sorang sorang , well , we're sweet siblings *even tough we're not so close with our parents* 


So , as this morning I couldn't meet 'S' , hope this evening , gonna be okay . I wanna meet him , I love to catch him staring at me . Hahhaa . well , rasa macam jadi pembunuh . Pandang macam ada buat salah jee XD but , tu habit dia . nak buat macam mane . so , sayang , petang ni , JANGAN TERTIDUR , please :(


now , tengah layan cousy , not that real layan . just tengok tv dengan diorang cause I'm shy and not a talkative person with my cousins . Oh no , with cousins , we're good , but when it comes to uncles and aunties , sorry to say . not interested . XD btw guess what , tadi tengah breakfast , then my mom called , our conversation ;

Me : Hello .
Mama : Hello . Dah mandi ?
Me : Of course laa dah .
Mama : Okay , kemas rumah . Ruang tamu tuu especially . Barang akak semua masuk dalam bilik , letak belakang pintu .
Me : eh dah kenapa ? asal ? jangan laa buat Ija takut :(
Mama : Ish , mama kat AEON ni , kejap lagi nak beli lunch . Kemas jee , Pakcu nak sampai .
Me : whattah ? seriously ? asal last minute ? ni bersepah tahap gaban ni ,
Mama : thats why laa mama suruh kemas . kalau bersih , mama tak suruh kemas . 
Me : hmm ye laa . balik cepat sikit please , tak pandai serve guests laa .
Mama : tak nak lunch ke ?
Me : ehh nak laa .
Mama : kalau nak , sabar . nak pergi beli dulu pastu baru balik .
Me : ohh okay okay . Bye :) loveyou .
Mama : Bye :) loveyou too .

ehh part love you tuu tambah jee , kononnya sweet :P hahaha . but we're sweet ! Hahha thats all for this moment . 

P/S : Cats are not in my life . I don't hate them . But , I prefer to not being with them :) Hope faham .

Kbye ._. Assalamualaikum ,

Izzah .