quiet ,

Breathe :) Everything will be okay :)

Hey loyal readers :) so , today , me and iman got a little bit crazier than before . Hahha , fyi , dear 'S' , you make me crazy all the time . Haha . :D but actually , tadi I got jealous . *shhh* with my own senior , KakZu , jangan terasa please . Hahha sila bangga anda terbabit dalam post ni . haha , btb , i just jealous sikit jee . haha , well they ARE close . 'S' , it's not WERE , it should be 'ARE' . okay change the topic please . So , tahu kan I ada fb baru ? Click Here if nak tengok profile tu . So that account actually dah buat relationship dengan fb baru Iman , but fb tu macam taknak guna je , just promote promote cause mane laa tahu if account kena hacked ke , ada jugak backup kan ? So tadi dah padam relay dengan iman , buat dekat real account . Nak tengok real account ? Tengok dekat side sebelah kiri , ada logo FB and gambar twitbird , tekan FB tuh :) 


Okay , this evening , I met Iman cause pagi tadi kannn , ada orang tu kannn , tertidur tak ingat dunia . Tu laa tengok bola malam malam buta lagi :P haha baru ingat nak pergi aquatic dengan dia . but never mind , tadi dah jumpa okay laa tu . and esok pun nak date okay laa . but guess what ? dia gila babeng sweetttttttttt . Haha puji boyfie sendiri ? so what ? I appreciate him . Lalala ~ you know like every single thing that he does , to me , just PERFECT . i love you 'S' .


Then tadi ada otp dengan adik angkat yang paling aku sayanggg , Mizanina . Panggil dia Miza or Nina . haha both accepted . So tadi masa tengah syok citer pasal 'S' , tak tahu laa macam mane boleh muncul cerita pasal kawan baik 'S' . something like twins . Cause they were born on the same date but not at the same year . Hahha . Miza said , kawan 'S' tu mintak Miza jadi girlfie dia , and I was like , oh - my - gosh . is this happening ? but lucky Miza tak terima . Hahha , adik , please bangga part ni pasal adik :) btw , rindu kau gila babeng ah dikk :( Fyi , dia laa orang pertama yang tolong Izzah dengan 'S' together balik . Sayang gilaa kat Miza .


By the way , I wanna say a huge THANK YOU . Tadi check stats blog ni , Alhamdulillah 900++ pageviewers and guess what . This is exactly true , Malaysian readers , 674 people . American readers , 182 people , readers from Germany , 4 people . Indonesian readers , 3 people . reader from South Korea and Iraq , both 1 people . Thanks guys :) Even though I'm just a simple-12-years-old-Blogger-writer , you people still wanna read these posts . Thanks again . 


So , people around Malacca , ATTENTION please . Tomorrow , this simple blogger will be at the Dataran Pahlawan or Mahkota Parade . 9.30 a.m with my 'S' only . So , sesiapa yang jumpa kami yang teramat lah sweet , mohon jangan meluat and mohon jangan back stab . tegur tegur lah yee :) tapi bagitahu nama and macam mana kenal Izzah , then only I can greet nicely . hahha .


Ramai yang tanya , Izzah ada berapa account twitter . Actually 1 , real one @SyanikAwesome or if malas , boleh tengok dekat side sebelah kiri , ada lambang twitbird , tekan je tu :) And please beware of @Syanikk_Awesome 's account . Tu fake . Sesiapa yang ada follow , please unfollow back . Mohon jasa baik anda :) Terima kasih .

And ada jugak tadi yang IM Izzah , tanya ' Macam mane nak masukkan lagu dalam blog eh ?' . Okay , Click kat sini untuk tahu macam mana :) Senang je actually , please don't make it complicated . 

okay laa , this little cute queen dah penat jadi keyboard warrior even touch screen . Hahha , so , good night uolsss .

P/S : Sorry 181 orang kena unfriend tadi dekat FB , jangan add balik cause tak akan diterima . And sorry if ada message yang tak terbalas or terbalas lambat . Saya mungkin busy sometimes . kbye . Assalamualaikum :)

Izzah .