believe in me

DO NOT READ THE WHOLE BULLETIN!!! Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Do not read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first..

Iman .

Hidayah .

Farah .

Marrini ,

Sharifah .


1. How did you meet 3?
SK Paya Rumput , we're classmates.

2. What would you do if #2 and #3 were going out?
Wanna join pleaseeee

3. How long have you known #4?
6 years .

4. What do u think of #2?
Izzah dengan dia same >.< emo . haha sorry beb .

5. A fact about #4?

6. Who is #2 going out with?
idk .

7. What's #1 do for a living?
he's a game lover , so playing games . haha .

8. Where does #5 live ?
Paya Rumput .

9. Is #1 your best friend ?
he's my friend . my bestfriend . my crush . my boyfriend . my ex . my best boyfriend . my future husband . my boy .

10. Do you miss #2?
so much !

11. What would you do if #3 and #4 were going out?
nak ikuttttt .

12. Ever gone somewhere with #5?
yes .

13. What would you do if #1 and #5 were going out?
huh -_- what a great idea . :( 

14. What do you think of #3?
my secret keeper .

15. Ever slept over in the same house with #5?
nope :(

16. Ever been to #2 house?
banyak kali wehh XD rumah besar.

17. What would u do if #4 was in jail?
first , laught at her then i'll try to save her .

18. Do you care about #3?
yes :)

19. What is the one thing you love about #1?
love doesn't need reasons , you just feel it . I love him just the way he is and I can be myself when I'm with him . 

20. Would you ever party with any of #1-5? every weekend?
yes of courseeeeeeeee.

21. Ever see #4 naked?
never babe .

22. Do #1 and #2 know eachother?
yes,  banyak kali citer pasal dayah kat iman XD

23. Are you related to any of the 5?
girlfriend iman . ex besties dayah . besties farah . ex besties marr and piaaa .

24. Have you kissed any of the 5?
no 5 :)

25. Ever do something illegal with any of the 5?
ponteng class last year :*