until you're mine

1. Would you date someone who smokes?

Can I give you a big 'NO' ? yeah , NOOOOOO .

2. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?

3. Would you date the same sex?
euwww , of course lah tak ,

4. Where would you go on the first date?
MPDP :).

5. Have you ever dated someone more than once?
hehe yes >.<

6. Do you miss any of your exes?
nope i guess 

7. Are you single now?
taken by Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah Azlan .

8. What is the sweetest thing someone you dated did for you?
Ada dua benda but I'll just tell you one , the other one , SECRET , just me and him . haha , clue ? Laser tag . lala . okay , sweetest thing when I was reading a book alone cause 'S' pergi surau , serious tak expect pun . Then dia datang from my behind and say , 'I love you <3 ' waa , i love him .

9. Are you ready to get into a serious relationship right now?
owh yeah!

10. Do you like cuddling?
kind of but far too shy .

11. Do you regret dating anyone?

12. Hugs or kisses?
both . haha kidding . actually true , both . XD

13. Missing someone?
'S' .

14. Most important lesson you have learned from dating?
never be shy , say what you want and dont be too obsessed with WiFi !

15. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Single may be free . But sometimes we need a person who can take a very good care of us , love us , and give us everything we need . and i have one , 'S' , thanks :)

16.  Have you ever loved someone who did not love you back?
yeah .

17.Favorite ex?
Iman cause he was my ex once .

18. How do you know when you are in love?
i cant bear a day not talking to him at all.

19. Do you consider yourself shy?
a little bit . haha .

20. Would you rather date someone who was SUPER-hot or someone who was SUPER-nice?
haha :) yes , my SUPER IMAN .

21. Do you kiss on the 1st date?
Nope .

22. Would you date someone A LOT older or younger than you?
He's 4 years older than me , so what ? Age doesn't important at all :)