behind enemy lines.

Are you taken/single?

taken . by a gentleman named Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah :)

Do you like anyone right now?

should i erase the 'like' with 'love' ? oh yes .

Ever had your heartbroken?
many times :(

Miss anyone right now?
i miss my syazriman .

Who was the last person you sent a text to?
Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah bin Azlan .

Last person to text you?
Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah bin Azlan .

Last person you saw?
my brother .

What was the last thing you said to someone?
nanti you baca je lahh . many postssssss . rabu ? okay , In Sha Allah 😊 i rindu you jugakk . demam ? getting better , sakit tekak je . to iman .

Who is top in your top friends?
Farah , eh dayah , ehh marr laa . erm piaaa lah . ehhh adah adah . alaa semuaaaa

ilovethem .

Who do you trust the most in your life?

Who do you love most?
My sis and bro , Iman , besties and ex besties .

Ever been in love?

Who has hurt you the most?
Two person , my ex , AH . my friend , dayah . haha .

Has a tragedy ever happened in your life?
yeah , a lot 

Are you happy?
Kalau sihat , I could have been happier .

How many good friends do you have?
many .

Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone?
Syscraper , don't forget and back to december . remind me of AH . 

Ever been cheated on?
of course .

Ever been told someone loved you?
haha yeah .

Ever told someone you loved them and meant it?
selalu sangatt .

Not meant it?
oh pleasee . no way .

Ever had your heart broken?
yup =(

Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now?
yes . i'm really really happy :)

What is your idea of true love?
i love him he loves me . we're happy .

Do you believe in love at first sight?
yup =)

Why or why not?
haha . idk . i just believe in it .

Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love?
me and iman were like that .