on the line .

Good evening , guys :) Okay , what am I doing now ? Just now I watched 'The Avengers' . Oh man , how amazing ! I don't know why I keep watching that awesome movie again and again . Haha now I'm watching favourite movie of 'S' I guess cause he always asks me to watch this movie , 'Thor 2' . I usually watch the first one and baru sekarang nak tengok kedua punya ? oh ketinggalan zaman la aku ni . 'S' kata dia suka Loki , and there once he put his name on Twitter as 'Loki' . I'm not really sure why he likes him so much but when I asked him , what did he answer was just 'He's awesome :)' Hhaha . I understand what really 'awesome' defines of in his life . And yeah , he's calling me Mrs Awesome in his blog . Wanna take a look . Click here :) Hhaha , lagi banyak posts daripada saya punya . Jealous :(


So , let me think for a while what title do I'm gonna talk about . oh yes , DREAM .

That picture is absolutely true . 'DREAMS DON'T WORK UNLESS YOU DO :)' many of us have dreams . me ? my dream , i wanna decrease my weight and increase my height . yes , I'm working on it . sometimes , I don't eat at all for the whole day . 'S' selalu suruh Izzah makan , Izzah degil >.< haha . So , what 'bout you ? your dream ? Wanna be a star ? Go ahead . Wanna be a doctor ? Go ahead . Wanna be a Prime Minister ? Go ahead . Even if you wanna be just a good wife , so what ? It's still a dream . Then go ahead . But if you wanna be a murderer , a burglar , please . DON'T EVER GO AHEAD . 


So , I'm really hoping that this 'Y Generation' will not be bad . ye laa kan , semua tahu nowadays , banyak technologies . Banyak gadgets . Bak kata Albert Einstien , 'stupid generation' . Haha mana taknya , tengah hangout , cari wifi . Tengah bercuti cari wifi . Tengah date pun cari wifi . Oh , I'm talking to myself . Sorry 'S' . Bila satu hari takdapat wifi rasa macam , erghh . Nak online please nak online then once dapat wifi , the happiest moment ever . Hahha ! 


So , thats all for this moment , not for today . Have a nice day . kbye ._. Assalamualaikum :)

Izzah .