trainwreck .

Good morning everyone :) or should I call it good afternoon :) Hahaha , so , I woke up in the morning and found myself better than yesterday . Temperature dah turun , batuk dah kurang siket . but selsema and sakit tekak getting worse day to day . 


So , pagi tadi , Izzah bangun , as usual , of course check iPad . First sekali check . And there's a question . I think she wanna bash me . And I was like , oh my goshh , I'm so scared !! *lah sangat kan* . So I answer it , wisely . Siap ada simbol :* . Hahah. Then I checked my Blogger , Alhamdulillah . 193 pageviewers and I was like , Woooo . My blog has just two posts and it started yesterday . thankyou guys XD muahh . Then I checked my Facebook . Got 4 messages from 'S' . 3 daripada tu , semalam punya message , tak reply sebab tertidur . And the latest , 'Good Morning' wish from him to me . Yeah , he repeats it everyday . And today , I got to know his family more closer . guess what ? Jealous okay . Oh no , I've been thankful to God for what He has given me . But his family is perfect , I think . I wonder if I had a family like that , oh it's just a dream . Hhaha , then Izzah checked Twitter , Ahamdulillah jugak , new 14 followers , so sad tak dapat followback . Cause blocked . Haha twitter kejam XD Tak cukup kena twitlimit , dia block following pulak . Ergh .


So , today , Izzah boleh bangun dah . Tengok TV kejap . Movie 'The Heat' . It's great . Even though , there are so many bad words that kids dont need to know . Haha but nowadays , they already knew it . So , tengok je laa . But that movie does make sense . The actresses are Sandra Bullock and i don't know her name but in them movie , she's known as Detective Mullins . Hahah , funny movie . 

Now , i don't know what to do . Cause since I had my fever two days ago , I can't even eat , talk or anything else . But now , I can walk to my mom and ask , What do we have for our breakfast today ? And she answered it , I thought you're on diet . Hahah . I love you , mom . How caring :) 

So , thats all . Maybe I will update this simple blog tonight . Every single thing . Yeah , look at my header , this is my online diary . And I'm full of awesomeness , eh jap , asal puji diri sendiri nih ? Haha berjangkit dengan 'S' kot . wuu ~

p/s : Respect others and others will respect you . Even more . 
to 'S' , it's great to know that now I'm better . So if next week , can we have a date . Oh my gosh , mengarut . hahha . 


k bye ._. Assalamualaikum .

Izzah .