two worlds collide ,

Good morning guys :) So , malam tadi tido around pukul 2 kot . Yeah , the last one to sleep , the last one to wake up . Today , mama kejut macam something suprise but you know me ? tido tak ingat dunia :D hahha . So at first I tried to wake up and the air cond was still working , but my brother and second sister were not in the bedroom . Just me and my first sister . So , rasa macam ah never mind , kak dyana bangun , nanti bangun laa . Then 10.00 a.m mama kejut tapi tak bangun lagi so mama tutup air cond cause mama tahu Izzah tak boleh tido dalam keadaan yang panas . Haha , and at last bangun .


So , tangan pun cari laa iPad kat bawah katil . Gotcha ! Check blogger , 400++ pageviewers . Wuuu ~ thanks guys and my header changed , bebeyh ! Check FB , got a message from 'S' , dia hantar message tu guess pukul berapa ? 3.55 a.m . So that means yang dia tido lagi lambat . Ish :( Serious ingat kan dia dah tido awal semalam . Hhaha .


Then , dah check applications semua , pergi dapur and my mom cooked my favourite breakfast food !! woohoo ~ but sorry , tak boleh bagitahu apa . It's my secret and nobody knows except my family . Tapi belum makan lagi pun . So dah lapar ni , out dulu kay . chaw ! Assalamualaikum :)

Izzah .