la la land

Hyee bloggers :) Okay , this is my third blog . Hahahaha , this is the real one . The one that I will be using all the time . Okay , back to business . I'm gonna introduce myself and I hope that nobody will say 'I DONT WANNA KNOW YOU !' oh please , go away . so , let me introduce you , PRINCESS OF THE WORLD , Nurul Izzah :) 


So , my name is Nurul Izzah binti Khalid . And actually , I just simply call myself Nik , or Izzah , or any else but not funny names . And dont call me by the name of my father , unless kau rasa nak makan kasut size 4 . *eh kecik nyaaa kaki aku* haha .

Me was born on 7th October 2001 at the Hospital Pantai Ayer Keroh . Yeah , when I was younger , I'd like to ask my mom , ' Mama , kenapa birthday Ija bulan 10 ? Kekna , Kakmi , abang semua bulan 1 . Asal Ija jauh ? penat laa nak tunggu . ' And my mom said , ' Mama pun tak tahu -_- nak buat macam mane -_- ' hahaha . 

Love to sing . REALLY LOVE SINGING . like others , I do have my own role model . Guess who ? Demetria Devonne Lovato , known as Demi Lovato . I dont actually know who she is when I was a kid , *i'm still a kid , no , a children* . But then , I watched Camp Rock and I loveeeee it . So , I wanna know who's the girl actually is . My eldest sister told me that her name is Demi Lovato so I quickly searched it on Google . What did I found ? Her biodata on Wikipedia so I read it . At first tu malas laa jugak nak baca then ternampak satu entry Stay Strong . My favourite quote . then , dia cerita pasal waktu dia kecik dulu , dia kena bully . And it really reminded me of my incident . I was bullied too . :( arghhh , .

Wanna be a doctor . Kalau tak pun , businesswoman pun boleh ~ haha bukan apa , Mr. S cakap sekarang nak jadi doctor susah . kena pergi overseas laa apa laa . 


So , thats all . Ada apa apa nak tanya lagi ? Boleh . Tanya dekat . ni link , . Kbyee .

Izzah .